Monday, November 13, 2006

list of things to do before i die...

Ok!!!!today was a boring day...i swear i shall not stay at home to study..or at least pretend study again.snort....
since nothing much of interest happened,lemme just put up a list of things i want to do before i die.heh.i noe,i noe,some of u hav seen this before,but my list apparently miraculously changes over the yrs.hurhurhur...without further ado,lets take a look at my amazing list
Things to do before i kick the bucket...

1)Become an investment banker(cos they make lotsa money)
2)Rockclimb around the world
3)Get my skydiving liscence
4)Get my diving liscence
5)Get my driving liscence(shut up,its a personal choice to not get it till now.hurhurhur)
6)Once i get the liscence,get a ferrari
7)Date a model
8)Date an airstewardess
9)Date a prom queen
10)Get myself a house in town
11)Get my parents a house wherever they want
12)Travel around the world
13)DJ at a major club
14)Spend more time with my friends
15)Spend more time with my family
16)Learn muaythai
17)Climb a mountain
18)Make lotsa money
19)Find love(snort.tho this is a very subjective point)
20)Sail ard the world with that love.heh
Aight..i shall stop at 20.partly cos i cant think of anything else,and partly cos if the list is too long,ill take forever to work towards them.heh.Till the next entry guys,sorry that this had to be such a short one,but i've got to go hit the books.heh.cheers!!
P.s:i totaly forgot to talk abt the trouble i had today bookin tickets for my trip to krabi this coming decemberlah.zzz...i hope it all goes well a headache jus looking at the booking system.bugger...

Posted by funkymunkey at 9:08 PM

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